नमस्कार आप सभी के लिये वर्ष 2025 के Calendar और Panchang PDF उपलब्ध हो गये हैं l 🌕 . 👉 Click Here to Download PDF👈 ... ......................

Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Panchang 2025 PDF लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग 2025 PDF: सम्पूर्ण धार्मिक मार्गदर्शक

Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Panchang 2025 PDF लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग 2025 PDF: सम्पूर्ण धार्मिक मार्गदर्शक

Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Panchang 2025 PDF लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग 2025 PDF: सम्पूर्ण धार्मिक मार्गदर्शक

लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण एंड सन्स द्वारा प्रकाशित लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग 2025 PDF भारत के प्राचीन और विश्वसनीय पंचांगों में से एक है। यह पंचांग 92 वर्षों से लगातार प्रकाशित हो रहा है और इसकी लोकप्रियता इसके सटीक एवं विस्तृत ज्योतिषीय विवरण के कारण बनी हुई है। पंचांग 2025 विक्रम संवत 2082 के अनुसार तैयार किया गया है, जिसमें धार्मिक तिथियों, त्यौहारों, मुहूर्तों, राशिफल, ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की स्थिति, और विविध ज्योतिषीय जानकारियाँ शामिल हैं।

लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग के मुख्य आकर्षण

• महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ और व्रत-त्यौहार
इस पंचांग में वर्ष 2025 के सभी प्रमुख त्यौहारों और व्रतों की सूची दी गई है। इससे आप वर्ष के प्रत्येक शुभ दिन की जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और अपने धार्मिक अनुष्ठानों को सही समय पर आयोजित कर सकते हैं।

• विवाह और अन्य शुभ कार्यों के मुहूर्त
इस पंचांग में शादी, गृह प्रवेश, मुंडन, नामकरण, और अन्य शुभ कार्यों के लिए उत्तम मुहूर्त प्रदान किए गए हैं। इस जानकारी के माध्यम से आप अपने जीवन के महत्वपूर्ण कार्यों को शुभ समय पर कर सकते हैं।

• राशिफल और ज्योतिषीय गणनाएँ
लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग में सभी 12 राशियों के लिए विस्तृत राशिफल दिया गया है। इस राशिफल के माध्यम से आप जान सकते हैं कि आने वाला वर्ष आपके लिए कैसा रहेगा और किन दिनों में विशेष सावधानी बरतनी चाहिए।

• ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की स्थिति और उनका प्रभाव
पंचांग में ग्रहों की स्थिति का विस्तृत वर्णन दिया गया है, जिससे आप समझ सकते हैं कि ग्रह-नक्षत्र किस प्रकार आपके जीवन को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। यह जानकारी दैनिक और वार्षिक योजनाओं के निर्धारण में सहायक होती है।

• धार्मिक चित्र और आध्यात्मिकता का संदेश
इस पंचांग में भगवान श्रीराम के सुंदर चित्र को प्रमुखता से स्थान दिया गया है, जो श्रद्धालुओं को धार्मिक ऊर्जा और शांति का अनुभव कराता है। साथ ही महापुरुषों के चित्रों के माध्यम से राष्ट्रीय एकता और सांस्कृतिक धरोहर को बढ़ावा दिया गया है।

FAQs (अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न)

1. लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग क्या है?
लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग एक धार्मिक पंचांग है जो हिंदू परंपराओं के अनुसार समय निर्धारण, त्यौहारों, और महत्वपूर्ण तिथियों की जानकारी देता है।

2. इस पंचांग का उपयोग क्यों करें?
यह पंचांग धार्मिक और ज्योतिषीय जानकारी प्रदान करता है, जो हिंदू धर्म के अनुयायियों को अपने कार्यों के लिए शुभ समय चुनने में मदद करता है।

3. क्या यह पंचांग ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध है?
लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग की कुछ संस्करण ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध हो सकते हैं, लेकिन इसे मुख्यतः दुकानों से ही खरीदा जा सकता है।

4. इसमें कौन-कौन से मुहूर्त शामिल हैं?
इस पंचांग में विवाह, गृह प्रवेश, नामकरण, और अन्य शुभ कार्यों के मुहूर्त शामिल हैं, जो ज्योतिषाचार्यों द्वारा निर्धारित किए गए हैं।

संपादकीय और प्रकाशन की विश्वसनीयता

लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण एंड सन्स ने इस पंचांग को 92 वर्षों से अधिक समय तक प्रकाशित करके इसकी विश्वसनीयता और प्रामाणिकता को बनाए रखा है। उनकी गहन ज्योतिषीय समझ और समर्पण ने इस पंचांग को धार्मिक समुदाय में विशेष स्थान दिलाया है।

Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Hindi panchang 2025 PDF Wall Calendar Lala Ramswaroop Calander 2025 Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Panchang Calander 2025

The "Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025," also known as the "Ramnarayan Panchang 2025" or "Ramnarayan Calendar 2025," is a comprehensive Hindu almanac renowned for its accuracy and detailed information on festivals, auspicious timings, and astrological data. This panchang has been a trusted resource for millions of Hindus worldwide, providing valuable insights into religious and cultural events.

What is Lala Ramswaroop Panchang?

The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang is a traditional Hindu calendar that offers a complete guide to all important Hindu festivals, fasting dates (vrat), and auspicious days. It has been published for many decades by Lala Ramswaroop Narayan and Sons and is widely used across India. The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 continues this tradition, offering the most up-to-date information for the coming year.

Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Hindi Panchang 2025 PDF Wall Calendar

Features of Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025

Monthly Calendar: The Lala Ramswaroop Calendar 2025 provides a detailed breakdown of all 12 months, including important Hindu festivals, auspicious days (muhurat), and significant events. This feature makes it easy to plan religious activities and ceremonies well in advance.

Tithi and Nakshatra: This panchang provides daily details about tithi (lunar days) and nakshatra (lunar mansions), which are essential for determining the auspiciousness of events.

Horoscopes: The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 includes yearly horoscopes for all zodiac signs. These horoscopes provide insights into what each sign can expect in terms of career, health, finances, and relationships in the coming year.

Astrological Data: Detailed astrological information, including planetary positions and their effects, is a highlight of this panchang. It helps users understand the impact of celestial movements on daily life and important decisions.

Vrat and Utsav: The panchang lists all significant fasts (vrat) and festivals (utsav) along with detailed descriptions of their significance and the correct way to observe them.

History and Significance of Lala Ramswaroop Panchang

Lala Ramswaroop Panchang has a rich history dating back to its inception in 1934, during the turbulent years of India's freedom struggle. Conceived as a simplified almanac, this panchang was designed to be accessible to the common man, unlike the more complex traditional Panchang and Patra books that were prevalent at the time.

During its early years, Lala Ramswaroop Panchang was not just a calendar but also a tool for social change. It played a crucial role in promoting revolutionary slogans and ideas, serving as a medium to disseminate messages of freedom and independence. This unique approach made it a popular choice among the masses, who could use it both as a spiritual guide and a source of inspiration for the freedom movement.

Evolution of Lala Ramswaroop Panchang

Over the years, Lala Ramswaroop Panchang has evolved, but it continues to honor its original purpose. While it remains a valuable resource for astrological guidance and festival dates, it has also expanded to include various articles and information that cater to the diverse needs of its readers. This includes details on daily tithi (lunar days), nakshatra (lunar mansions), yogas, and muhurats, making it a comprehensive tool for planning religious and cultural activities.

Today, Lala Ramswaroop Panchang is recognized not only for its astrological accuracy but also for its commitment to cultural education and community engagement. It stands as a testament to the values it was originally designed to promote: accessibility, simplicity, and service to the community.

Unique Features of Lala Ramswaroop Panchang

• Accessibility for the Common Man: Unlike other traditional almanacs that might have been too complex for everyday use, the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang was created to be easily understood and utilized by the general population. This has contributed significantly to its lasting popularity and widespread use.

• Combination of Calendar and Almanac: The panchang functions both as a calendar and an almanac, providing detailed information about Hindu festivals, auspicious days, and astrological events. This dual purpose makes it an essential tool for those looking to align their daily activities with celestial events.

• Promoting Cultural Awareness: Throughout its history, the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang has included articles and content aimed at educating its readers about various cultural and religious practices. This has helped in preserving and promoting Indian traditions and values.

• Continued Relevance: Even after decades, the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang continues to be a trusted guide for millions. Its ability to adapt to changing times while maintaining its core purpose has ensured its continued relevance and importance in Hindu households.


The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang is more than just a calendar; it is a cultural artifact that reflects the spirit of India's independence and the enduring importance of Hindu traditions. Whether you are planning a festival, seeking auspicious timings for a significant event, or simply looking to deepen your understanding of Hindu culture, the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang provides a wealth of information that can guide you throughout the year.

How to Use Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025

Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 is more than just a calendar; it is a guide to living in harmony with cosmic rhythms and religious traditions. Here’s how to make the most of this invaluable resource:

Planning Religious Activities: Use the panchang to plan your religious and cultural activities. It lists all the important Hindu festivals such as Diwali, Holi, Navratri, and more, along with detailed descriptions and dates.

Auspicious Timings (Muhurats): The panchang provides precise muhurats for various activities like weddings, housewarming ceremonies, and starting new ventures. This ensures that these events are held at the most favorable times, bringing prosperity and success.

Astrological Guidance: Refer to the horoscopes and astrological data to gain insights into the best times for personal and professional endeavors. This can help you make informed decisions that align with celestial influences.

Observing Fasts and Vrats: The panchang gives comprehensive details on observing fasts and vrats, including the significance of each and the rituals involved. Following these guidelines can help in spiritual growth and fulfilling religious duties.

Why Choose Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025?

Accuracy: The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 is known for its precise calculations and detailed information, making it a reliable source for astrologers and devotees alike.

Cultural Significance: This panchang is not just a calendar; it is a repository of Hindu culture and traditions. It helps in preserving and promoting these traditions by providing detailed information on festivals, rituals, and religious practices.

Accessibility: Available in both print and digital formats, the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang can be accessed by anyone, anywhere. The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang PDF 2025 is available for download online, making it convenient for users to access it on their devices.

Comprehensive Content: Covering everything from daily tithi and nakshatra to yearly horoscopes and astrological predictions, this panchang is a one-stop resource for all your religious and astrological needs.

How to Access Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025

You can access the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 in various formats:

Hard Copy: Available in bookstores and religious shops across India, the traditional hard copy is preferred by many for its easy readability and convenience.

Online Access: The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 is available online on various websites. You can easily find the Lala Ramswaroop Calendar PDF Download option on these sites, allowing you to download and print the panchang.

Mobile Apps: Several mobile applications provide access to the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang. These apps offer a user-friendly interface and additional features like daily notifications for important dates and events.

The Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025, also known as the Ramnarayan Panchang 2025 or Ramnarayan Calendar 2025, is an indispensable tool for those who follow the Hindu calendar and are interested in astrology. With its detailed information, accuracy, and cultural significance, it remains a popular choice for Hindus worldwide. Whether you are planning a festival, seeking astrological advice, or looking to deepen your understanding of Hindu traditions, the Lala Ramswaroop Panchang 2025 is a valuable resource that helps you navigate the year with confidence and spiritual guidance.

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Lala Ramswaroop Calendar PDF Download

Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Calendar

लाला रामस्वरूप रामनारायण पंचांग 2025 PDF, Hindu Panchang, विवाह मुहूर्त, ग्रह-नक्षत्र, धार्मिक तिथियाँ, राशिफल, शुभ कार्य Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Hindi panchang 2025 PDF Wall Calendar Lala Ramswaroop Calander 2025 Lala Ramswaroop Ramnarayan Panchang Calander 2025